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I think I'd recognise a jackdaw, if only because there's a pair of them nesting in a chimney on this very house ! LOL(Yes, I know. At least the chimney isn't used ) There's quite a few pairs of jackdaws around here and, to add to the identification,at least one pair eats on the same lawn at the same time as these birds, outside here. The lawn is quite a corvid feeding station; rooks, crows, magpies, jackdaws (oddly, no jays recently).That's really what prompted the question, seeing some odd grey crows was out of the ordinary. I don't remember noticing any on the farm before, but, on the other hand, nobody here was throwing out food for birds (peanuts) and so they may have been around but not close.
They are definitely hooded crows. Madmaggot's pictures confirm that.
Thanks. Interesting. I'll tell the village nature watch (who may already know, but just the same )