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Metallic venetian blinds, is there an easy way to clean them?

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nuttywoman22 | 20:50 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | Interiors
7 Answers
My blinds needed wiping over but it took me ages to wipe every single one with a damp cloth.Has anyone found an easy way to do them? Thanks.


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My mam takes them down and puts them in the bath with soapy water then hangs them on the washing line - she doesn't do that everytime she cleans them - probably about once a year when its spring cleaning time!
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Make sure you line the bath with an old shower curtain or something because I used to clean my blinds that way and it can cause scratching to the bath.

I found using Mr R's old cotton socks was effective when cleaning blinds in situ. Use like gloves, one for washing with warm soapy water and the other dry for drying off.
I think Lakeland Ltd sell a special duster thingy for venetian blinds.

and they do a hoover attachment for blinds �5.99.
i have seen them in those little catalogues that come with the sunday papers, its like a foam window squeegy with slat holes in, if not how about a wooly glove on your hand wet?
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Well, i`ve now got sparkling clean blinds , and it was so easy.I mentioned my problem to a friend and she suggested Methalated Spirits. So, i got an old pillowcase, ripped a bit off, soaked it in the meths and wiped it along the slats.
Hope this helps others.
Great idea, I have just bought some blinds from and was looking for a way to clean them. Thanks for the tip!

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Metallic venetian blinds, is there an easy way to clean them?

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