Hi danny, don't know much about your condition so can't help with that but just wanted to send you my good wishes and perhaps a bit of understanding that i do understand the situation you're in.
It sounds like you're regarded as being ' the strong one' in the family, the one everybody else relies on to keep them together and give them suppport so nobody can handle it when you're the one that needs a bit of propping up. It's a bloody difficult place to be sometimes but you probably jusr find yourself doing it anyway when inside you feel like screaming.
I'm sorry you feel on your own with it at the moment, it does help to have a partner or close friend who understands that no-one can be strong all the time and lets you have a good old moan about the things that are bothering you.
You've had a lot of good answers on here from a lot of nice people. Never feel bad about coming on here and talking to us. Answerbank got me through one of my worst times a couple of years ago when I didn't want to 'bother' anybody else in my family.
I know it's not the same as a real person but we can be the ones to tell you it'll be ok and give you the support you need right now.
Do look after yourself, put on your favourite music and ignore the lot of them for a while.
ps. Don't know how you'll relate to it but the lyrics of this song sums up for me exactly how I feel sometimes, especially the last verse -