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baby p killers

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zzxxee | 17:56 Thu 21st May 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
are being sentanced today anyone know what the outcome was?


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the sentencing hearing is scheduled to take 2 days so may not be public until tomorrow....
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ok thanks craft
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they should steralize the poor excuse for a mother and as for the step dad put his penis in a vice in a wooden shed set fire to it give him a rusty saw so he has to choices burn to death or cut his own dick off to free himself
may the evil b*a*s*t*a*r*d*s rot in hell
Why do you call him the step dad. He isn't. He is just the "boyfriend" of the mother.

Both he and the mother should be locked up until the day they die!
don't reckon either of them will last long inside....bound to have an "accident" sooner or later...
Oh c'mon. She did show some remorse.

The evil wh0re....
Has anyone ever read a book called "Sardonicus" or "The Copper Bowl", both the same story but second one updated years later. There is a highly suitable punishment in the book which would suit these two.
Remorse after you have been "caught to rights".

As if that means anything!

"Evil" does not even begin to describe them!

I was saying it because that was what was reported on TV. She's remorseful because she can no longer sit on her fat ass watching internet porn all day while her latest beau murders her baby.
I seriously think there must be something wrong with the mother. I'm far from being the maternal type (as my daughter would testify) but no sane mother would let that happen to her child - it defies belief.....
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lets hope this will be one case where the justice system will be harsh in its sentance and not leinient as they are in to many cases in this county
Oh, I really don't think they will be lenient. There has been too much media coverage and questions about social services.
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i read somewhere the maximum they can get is 14 years
Agree with Craft. It is possible an "Accident" will befall all of them.

They would have been hung, drawn and quartered a few hundred years ago.
I can't believe that she had the nerve to write a letter to the judge saying how sorry she was that she had allowed her lover to do this to her child. To add she will never see him grow up to a man is obscene as though it is someone else's fault.

Think they should have done to them everything that Peter suffered.
I must admit that I can hardly bring myself to read about this case and what I do makes my stomach turn, poor little mite, let him rest in peace. :(

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baby p killers

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