Good Afternoon EV N & C'ers. Haven't yet opened the EV yet but had a notification that there was a further post on last week's! drb is having trouble getting a copy of this week's and wonders if anyone can send him one? Far beyond my megre IT skills but perhaps someone else can. Speak to you all soon!
Hi all
Had an evening off crosswords last night and went to see "Blue Man Group" instead - v entertaining. Finished the grid this morning after realising I had got the right plant but the wrong name for 22A. Looked for the theme - but I went for the wrong shaped ..... to start. Thanks for the hints. Even knowing the theme some of them were rather subtle!!
Sounds like minpg is bouncing back - good news :-)
I assume one should follow the instructions, and highlight the symmetrical name complete with middle initial, and ignore the hints for solution which say that nine squares should be highlighted.
As I read it the full name (10 letters when middle initial is included) should be highlighted. But, as I never actually mail my solution in, my opinion should be discounted appropriately.