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Should judges retire

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Bobbisox | 18:12 Fri 22nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
like the rest of us, and who judges them and their decisions,,,,sorry but I am appalled at the sentence handed down to the scum that killed that beautiful little Peter.
They should retire at 60-65 like you and I would have to.
I don't know how they sleep at night,,,grrrrrrrrrrrrr
the two males, the b/f and the lodger should be castrated with a rusty razor blade and the "Mother" tarred and feathered.
Don't often seethe,, but this????


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I am no longer here to respond to you soit wouldn't be fair for this to continue....
on a lighter note, have gone on the lash with me mates,,,
have a pleasant and trouble free night folks

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