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if any of yu like space stuff.....

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stokemaveric | 14:18 Sun 24th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
the space shuttle will be landing at 3.10pm today uk time...showing live on nasa tv....


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is this your tip of the day Stokes?
i am more thinking 3:25 then if it is.
Question Author
lol no.know i havent looked at the horses today luck is a little bit on the thin side at the moment......
I saw the shuttle lift of in florida once stokey it was from 5 miles away and it was still a hell of an awsome site and we were watching it by the side of a river and a few mins after it lifted off you could see ripples coming towards us on the river then when they reached us there was this great big almighty roar as loud as you have ever heard anything in all your life.

Fooking awsome or wat
Is that on Freeview then?
what no. is nasa tv
Stoke, serious question as you raised the subject. Do you know of any links to the photo of the shuttle going in front of the sun?
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that is 1 of my ''things to do before i die'' knobby that must have been spectacular...nice 1 m8...i like my space stuff..i saw the space station fly overhead last was eerie...postdog just google nasa and follow the links to the public channel.....
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sorry postdog i dont tho there must be some somewhere eh?
You have a bucket list then stokey
Think you may have got your times wrong it is only 9 35 in Houston and landing is scheduled for 1PM there .Space Station will be on view tonight at 10 05 for England and it is a 4 minute view which should be great if clear skies. Seen it over a few times and was spectaculiar on wednesday with a 6 min view. I apologise if I am wrong but it has not entered the atmosphere yet
will be landing about 3 40 pm our time for England

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if any of yu like space stuff.....

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