Ruby, we are not at war - we're simply taking part in a discussion, and if we disagree on certain topics, then so be it. That is the nature of debate and it doesn't make us enemies. Your first post, in my opinion, read as inverted snobbery and vitriolic criticism of the wealthy, since it gave the distinct impression that they consider the working man to be a miserable uncultured 'oik' - your words, not mine. Intelligent people, rich or poor, recognise that simply isn't true. If I wanted to be politically correct (which I never will be), I would find your post offensive towards both the so-called working classes and the so-called upper classes. Now there's a dilemma!
Secondly I made the observation that, like religious fervour, a strong political affiliation can, and in my opinion, does, weaken logical thought processes. Before the question is raised, assumptions are already in place and the mind is made up, so the subject matter is never openly or rationally considered, and individual thoughts and ideas that may once have been present, are repressed - or even forgotten completely.