Hiya, My daughter was 19 months old when my litte boy arrived, she's been walking since she was 10 months old, so, although she was a good walker it was still too much for her little legs to be either walking or on a board.
I bought a phil & teds Vibe - which at first was perfect for our needs, however, as the wee man got a bit bigger and moved to the rear seat (instead of the lying down position) I found that he was right online with exhaust fumes and, was also quite cold during the winter months.
I got a side by side pram (mamas & papas) instead which has been great until it broke a couple of weeks ago. So, we took a chance and bought a buggy board in the hope that she would be able to cope.
She'll be 3 in Nov and my little boy is almost one now, She's been using a buggy board but still finds it too much to stay upright for a longer journey. I got the train home from nursery with them the other day and just the walk from the train station to my house was enough for her to be on her knees on the board with her head in the shopping basket!!
I'm thinking of getting another double buggy for the sake of the nursery trips (40 min walk either way)
You can get buggy board that have a seat on them too if that's any use to you, but just be aware of how long your little one will be on their legs and, if you're anything like me, being so short, I find it hard to reach the handles of the pram when the buggy board's in use!!! haha.
Good luck with your new arrival :)