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Why TWO tablets

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Mailmutt | 21:43 Mon 25th May 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Everytime I see this, I think it's about headache pills. Anyone else....


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Two tablets is the correct dosage, it says so on the packet.
Live dangerously... take 4...
You out of weed again Snags?!!!!!
Lol... hello BM... how are ya? Comp probs. all sorted?
Off and on! It does weird ****. Its on contract so may take it back this week and get a new one. But I am content enough to log on to these sort of sites. Otherwise, same old babe. How are you?
Ok ta... weird times at the mo... I'm sure you know what I mean...

Glad you're well :-)
Not really well babe - still got one or two hurdles to get through, but mentally dealing with it.

yeah, know what you mean. Keep ya chin up and you know where I am. x
Ta... you look after yourself and good luck with everything x

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Why TWO tablets

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