Am I drinking too much Pear Cider? in The AnswerBank: Pregnancy
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Am I drinking too much Pear Cider?

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Velvetee | 01:10 Tue 26th May 2009 | Pregnancy
10 Answers
I've never been a drinker of Alcohol and it's a rarity that I ever drink any, however, over the past couple of weeks, I've developed a liking for Magners or Bulmers Pear Cider and have been having half to1 bottle per evening, perhaps 3-4 times per week. It tastes just like pop!

As many will know, I'm 37 weeks pregnant and wondered if this taste for Cider could be damaging to my unborn baby? Would anyone consider drinking 3-4 bottles per week as excessive alcohol consumption? Am I developing a drink problem? I know women shouldn't have more than 14 units per week.
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The current thinking seems to be that any alcohol during pregnancy is not a good thing:

alcohol does have a damaging affect on the unborn so be very careful. Try un-alcoholic apple juice instead. take care - dont want you to bare a son with alcoholic tendency; the alcohol in your blood stream will be found in his.
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Yes you're probably right. I had a 500ml bottle yesterday evening and I've had about 300mls this evening. This only started 2 weeks ago and as my father was an Alcoholic, I probably shouldn't put temptation in mine or baby's way.
There's plenty of conflicting advice on various websites but this one summarises the current position quite well:

A (568ml) bottle of either Bulmers or Magners Pear Cider contains 2� units of alcohol. Those sources that state that it's safe to drink limited quantities of alcohol during pregnancy generally seem to agree that no more than 1 (or, at the very most, 2) units of alcohol should be consumed on any one day, and that alcohol should only be consumed on 1 (or, at the very most, 2) days per week.

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Thanks Chris, I had a look at that site early and they recommend no alcohol during pregnancy. My partner keeps buying it for me, perhaps he thinks it will get me in an amorous mood, but it doesn't. I just like it because it's sweet and tasty.
If you consider that France, a nation of wine drinkers, advise a zero level of alcohol in pregnancy, then even half a bottle is too much
Do you have a hankering for other sweet things? I ask because i was boderline for gestational diabetes with my first son, with me, it being the summer I had a craving for Magnum ice lollys and would quite happily destroy 4 or 5 a day. Had to stop that when they found the high sugar levels in my blood and it does make the baby larger than usual as well. Might be worth getting tested, as it seems that it is the sweetness that you are after rather than the alcohol.
How about Peartiser or Schloer (sp?!) They both taste similar to pear cider but are alcohol free.

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Am I drinking too much Pear Cider?

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