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stokemaveric | 01:06 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
susan boyles bubbles burst............


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what cos Silly Allen says so?
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no because she was crap on her last peformance and is overated....not her fault,its just how she has been built up by the media...very ordinary im afraid....
I think you're right stoke. All the hype was just because she took everyone by surprise and people felt guilty for judging her. She's an ok singer but I'm going for one of the dance groups to win. Not that I watch every episode of course.
Shame her name isn't Susan Bubble whos' boil had burst :-)
crap in your eyes stoke!
just shaky on the first 3 notes? that's all
maybe she will not win looking at some of the other contestants that are thru but your very quick to put down
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im not putting anyone down deggers,indeed she is a better singer than me....but there are better talents in this country than her....that is my statement....
Agree with you stokemaveric, Susan Boyle is overrated although it's not her fault that things took off the way they did.Her last performance wasn't good enough, she can't afford to falter at this stage.We need someone who can perform without showing nerves and I hope one of the dance troops wins cos they are amazing.

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