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HillyHugger | 10:14 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
C'mon Barcelona !!


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How very patriotic of you.
Barcelona! thank you! thats reminded me to do something quite important today!
↑ a lightbulb moment for lumination!
As a Man City fan i should really be waving my Barcelona flags, drinking sangria and eating paella.
Part of me being British says come on Utd show them
dago's how to play football, my blue heart says come
on Messi show that portugese ****** whose the best.
Mixed emotions.
Per l'amore di dio, Chrisda, think of your country !!!! lol
-- answer removed --
The present Mrs Hughes and I will enjoy a brief arm-wrerstling contest to see who gets their choice - I am up for 'The Apprentice' wheras Mrs h will want to shriek abuse in language that would make a stevadore blush!

I'm not holding out much hope for my choice, thank heavens for a digi-box!
Here here Hilly, Come on Barca
Come on Rooooneeey.......
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So far so good :-)
Hilly ...

That's just crap ... not supporting the Brit team.

C'mon SImon
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Sorry Jayne , Viva Espana
traitor/cretin.....this is the only good thing about Barcelona.....takes our talent to give fame to the place! ture=PlayList&p=03DE6C227F72CF1C&playnext=1&pl aynext_from=PL&index=5

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