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teddy bears

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zzxxee | 19:16 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
everyone had one as a child what was yours called? mine was marmalade


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I had a stuffed Donkey called No,Knowledge. Actually, it was more of an ass..........
Oooooooooh!!!!! trouble my love...LOL
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he he no mercy

I had a little cat called inglebert
I was never really into teddies to be honest. I preferred Lego.
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i also had a stuffed panda called elephant dont ask me why
I was never a soft toy/ bear girl.
Never had a teddy......had a rag doll imaginatively called Dolly Daydream.......
I had a Sooty glove puppet, too. he had a magic wand and I loved him. he is still in my loft.

and my teddy was called Cuddles.
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my cousin had a dolly daydream to craft lol
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My daughter never had a teddy either. My brother, who was only 11 when she was born, saved up his pocket money to buy her a Snoopy which she still has 39 years later.....
I had two. The big one was Jim Baxter and the other Wee Willie Henderson. Now, that's going back a bit!
Mine was/is called Sammy!

I even named one of my cats after him, and as sad as it is, at the ripe old age o 22, I still can't sleep unless I am cuddling him.

Luckily I have a very understanding man lol, he cuddles me and I cuddle my Sammy.

I do also have various other bears, well loads actually!
Had lots of bears, still have many of them many years later. Favourite, and oldest, is called Beebone (I found it easier to say than Bimbo which was his real name)
Mine was called Walter, had him till I was 14. The my brother and sister both got scarlet fever, and all the soft toys were taken away to be burned. I was so upset. Now have a little brown grizzly bear called Samson.
Growler - a Sieff that my g.daughter wanted and I gave to her.....DIL sold it :(

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