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stokemaveric | 01:06 Thu 28th May 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
a live operation on ch4....on someones stomach...i feel ill.


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i feel like liver.
It wasn't as good as the brain one, or the heart, earlier this week.

Couldn't make head or tail of what was what for the most part!

You have to have the stomach for it stoke!
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to right rabittygirl......sorry i havent lol.....not at this time of night anyway....i have seen some sights in my life but an operating theatre makes my legs turn to jelly...wimp or what?lol
Nah - not a wimp stoke.

You're either the kind who can watch or not.

Just a good job there are peeps out there who are willing to learn and can carry out these ops eh?

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