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eeuurrrgh ... gross!

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joggerjayne | 21:35 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Victoria Beckham's legs ...

(on the right)

I feel a bit queasy.



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never gone a bundle on stick insects.
What... and you think Britney's backside is acceptable?!
its all perfectly natural
Question Author
Yeah, okay ... Britney's arse is a bit nasty, too.
Oh dear! What happened to airbrushing?
suddenly my (older) arse looks fantastic.. thanks Jayne x
so that's where her boob filler came from - recycled blubber?
has britney got bruise's
Cellulite or varicose veins once a certain age is reached I reckon - can't stand VB anyway.
what's VB,?
VD's bad enough.
Er.. Victoria Beckham?
That's skinny ugly spice to you.
At least VPL isn't the problem here!
JJ I feel so good.........................Sh1t I'm 58 and my legs look great in does my backside as well.............happy days a great post lol
Seen better legs on a Queen Anne table.

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eeuurrrgh ... gross!

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