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Do they never have a wkn/d off?

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liverpoolfoo | 12:57 Sat 30th May 2009 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Just had the GOD SQUAD(Jehovah's witnesses) knocking on my door for the 3rd week running & i tell them every time that i'm the worlds number 1 top Blood Donor they don't listen lol......How else can i tell them to go 4th & multiply?


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Used to be plagued with JW's until one day, as I opened the door, my large black cat walked out. "What a nice cat" one said, "what's his name". --- Replied: Lucifer. (It wasn't really). Ah! well, can see you're busy, we won't hold you up. They never came back.
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Do they never have a wkn/d off?

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