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am starting up my own private cleaning buisiness

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zzxxee | 15:49 Sun 31st May 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
need to know some info about self tax payments and any legal stuff,
can you help me abers??


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Once established - say after 6mts - contact Tax office to register business. Keep all expense receipts (log 'em on Excel) & credit card payments & invoices.

In 2nd year of trading you will be expected to fill out Self Employed tax return for previous years trading; showing exes/profit & loss. Tax Office will explain all.

If you plan to employ help get info from Tax office immediately or withhold third of their wages for Tax & NI (employer's responsibility).
Good luck mate's daughter-in-law started up a cleaning business about 4 years ago. At first it was just her but now she employs 6 other people and they don't seem to be affected by the credit crunch. I'd rather lose my car than my cleaner!!
u have to register a business with in 3 months ..i did .
Phone HMRC and ask them. They do day courses (free) for new business'. They also do them on how to fill your tax return and lot's of others. They are very very helpful.

Not a nice job cleaning privates though zzxxee

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am starting up my own private cleaning buisiness

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