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spam, spam, SPAM!!!!!!

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thistles | 16:10 Mon 01st Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Can anyone PLEASE suggest a good spam remover, I have downloaded several over time, but it always ends up making things worse, and advice would be welcomed..
Ta Muchly.


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Try Fray Bentos, they are on the look out for spam!!!!
personally i would leave well alone. it might be infected with the swine flu virus.
looks like you've come to the right place for good advice....
that's a fact craft niether one of them knows the first thing about it.
Hi thistles

Sorry.....could'nt resist as just got in from a sunny beach whilst here abroad, and i think it's affected my head!!!
Going for an afternoon kip now on my hammock, to recharge for tonights jollyties!

You will be better off posting this question in "Technology" where you WILL get a proper answer from such experts as chuckfickens all lovely people on CB think alike...... good luck!! ( you may be lucky, though!)

Hark who's talking!
Put it in the bin....Luncheon Meat is much better...
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you could try AVG anti-virus thistles from a free download on, I hope this is of some help
Joy x
the only sure fire way to stop spam is to setup a new email address and make sure you don't use it for things like registering to websites, if you want to register on websites ETC use another email address that you can delete when it starts to attract spam.

Once your email addresses is out there on spam lists then you will never be able to stop all spam coming to it.

Spam filters come with their own problems, you set the threshold to low and they don't stop all spam, set the threshold too high and they will start to filter out genuine emails.
The only e-mail I get is makes me feel wanted

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spam, spam, SPAM!!!!!!

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