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Peanut Butter

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john1066 | 16:42 Mon 01st Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I like mine in a teaspoon...How about you?


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I like mine stuck to the roof of my mouth... a spoonful could last hours lol...
I like mine with a thin layer of marmite
lol.....I like mine in a satay sauce.
I like mine on a blond, though a brunette would do too ;)
Crunchy or smooth chuck?
^ the peanut butter not the blonde...
Smooth every time snags (for both as it goes!)
Ever tried it with jam, or jelly, as the colonials say - honestly it is ducking fisgusting!!
-- answer removed --
post... I like it with strawberry jam on toast... but then I am a heathen...
and I can only eat on two slices max - after that, my jaw won't work properly....
I dont like it....i dont like any nuts... :-((....unless theyre smothered in chocolate.. :-))
An army officer, pasta.

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Peanut Butter

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