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NoMercy | 10:42 Tue 02nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
My mother has been working hard lately - full-days, everyday - having only recently gone back to work after extensive surgery. She now has 3 days off and I would like to do something nice for her. Maybe take her out for the day. Or do you think she may prefer to just chill out before going back to work on Fri? Should I take her out, or buy her a special prezzie. Btw, Choccies and flowers are not her thing. Thanks.


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Take her out for the day while the weather is nice!
What sort of surgery has she had? It may be relevant to how much she can physically do before she gets tired out. is all I'm thinking.
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She had surgery on her foot and was off work for 5 months. She only really gets weary if she is on her feet all day. She works in a nursing home, so that can very very tiring and stressful.

Rinkins - that was what I was thinking. She has this w/end off (she works alternate w/ends) and we are probably going to drive down to Warwick, have a look at the Castle and maybe have lunch in a nice pub down there.
That sounds like an excellent idea. Can't beat a nice lunch and a spot of sight seeing! Fresh air works wonders!
I love Warwick....the houses are beautiful.
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Yes Ummmm - and I have a couple of friends who live there, so could kill two birds with one stone. There are two nice pubs I know of - The Baraset Barn and The Saxon Mill. However, I still need suggs for a little surprise for the old girl. She has 3 days off, is working Fri, and then had the w/end off.
Well what about a pamper basket? Put loads of nice smelly thingys in there, face mask etc... Just stuff that she has to use to put her feet up and do nothing.
Oooh that's a good one China
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Nice one, Vibra. lol

A pamper basket does sound like a good idea.

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