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acw | 13:29 Thu 02nd Jun 2005 | Site Suggestions
9 Answers

The function appears to have disappeared!!  Is this just while the techie team do a change over?  Please let us know what's going on ABE as at the moment it's an inivitation to abuse and insult.  Some people are already taking advantage of it, however "tic" (or NOT) their comments are!

I don't report regularly, but I feel better knowing the option is there!  What's going on?



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Dont wanna seem dumb acw but what does "tic" mean? seem it on a few things? cheers
tongue in cheek
Still available on mine.
It's still there, but not visible on your own question or those which are already reported
Reporting answers is on this thread so perhaps it's been sorted. Either that or the thread you were looking at has been 'approved' by AB Ed.
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You're all right - it's all come back.  I looked at many different threads, JUST before posting the question.  The rate and report options were gone from ALL questions on every thread I checked.  Must have been a temporary glitch!

Dear all,

When you don't see a Report button, as Lindy Loo mentioned, the posting has been monitored and given the ole seal of approval. In other words, "Don't panic dear, its only a previously approved posting."


What I see doesn't tie in with AB Ed's pink post comments.  Since lunchtime, the 'Report this question' and 'Report this answer' have been missing from ALL threads in AB suggestions (well, maybe not all, but I have sampled randomly back over the last 250 threads).  The buttons for these functione DO APPEAR in the other topics on this site, eg Quizzes and Puzzles.
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It's all been a bit haphazard I think.  Unless someone's gone through and rated, then reported ALL the questions!!  Which is VERY unlikely since only the questioner poser can rate!  Ho hum!  Let's just hope people don't take advantage of it in a bad way!

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