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What a sad sight ....

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mrs.chappie | 21:37 Wed 03rd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
The parent bird on Springwatch, persistently trying to feed the chick that had perished. I know it's nature, still sad though ....


Anyhoo, my question is ..... Do you think that new presenter is as good as Bill Oddie was?



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The real question is

'Was Bill Oddly as good as the other 2?
Chris Packham is the reason I watch Springwatch. Sod the wildlife, and Kate Humble is never going to drop her jeans for me, but Chris Packham is so endearingly entertaining.

He has the "knack"

Why have the bu$$ers scheduled Hugh Grant at the same time on C4?
Nobody on this earth could possibly worse than bill oddie
I almost ran him over once.

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Hi nono!

Chris Packham reminds me of a young Quentin Crisp.

Hey whiffs, does Chris Packham float yer boat then? I don't know if he is gay - do you?

No he's not gay Mrs C. Local lad to me, very nice bloke by all accounts. I liked Bill Oddie but Chris is a different sort of presenter and I think he's very good. Love Gordon Buchanan too :)
Question Author
Howdy Pru, sara and bensmum.

I like BO as a presenter. He's a bit of a bu88er to work with, by all accounts though.
No Chris Packham has wife and children.
Did you know he's 48!!!
He said so tonight.
However,should you be tempted to be the next Mrs Packham,Chris has a LARGE collection of LARGE spiders,which he keeps in the HOUSE!

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What a sad sight ....

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