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bt vision

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petesgrayz | 12:33 Thu 01st Jan 2009 | TV
6 Answers
I pay 47 quid a month for my sky package and am thinking of changing to BT Vision which is only 20 quid,
( the pound sign is broke on my keyboard).
Anyone got it and what's it like please.


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You need a BT phoneline, BT broadband, a good aerial and a very good freeview signal for it to work.
Also,Plenty of money to get it set up.!!
I have it but haven't used it to its full potential yet. I actually have a really old aerial (and I mean old, I rent the property and it's one of the ancient square type). I don't have a problem so we must have a good signal here.
Also because I have BT telephone & home hub it's not costing me a fortune
THe Hub is really expensive.
We`ve got it & love it.The ON DEMAND is brilliant. You do have to pay for films though, but we `ve never bothered with that. We needed to change isp, so we got the whole package from BT.
I have BT Vision, broadband home hub and normal bt line and I am not too happy with the set up costs.
Just got a bill for nearly �300 which includes about �40 of calls a call to the USA for an hour cost best part of �10.
Just go around the Sunday carboot sales and see who loves BT vision.
I bet they have moved on to Virgin.

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