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change of heart...or should i say horse....

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stokemaveric | 13:07 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
due to the rain that has fallen my tip for the derby is now...fame and glory.....


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Aaaahhhhh ...... too late !!!!!
sticking with black bear island stokie
already down and done it
Me too, beejay.

Put �20 on BBI on the way home from the gym.

remains confident !
the poor bloody horse ^
i confess to having done-lady jane digby- too,JJ
I resisted "doing" Lady Jane ... x
ok JJ
for once i didnt entenderise ? ^
Is that a real word ???
Gaelic ?
must admit-i dont use it on a daily basis,JJ
so if JJ beejay and carrot are all on Black Bear island

JJ- is making up a threesome too
I've got lots of things that I don't use on a daily basis.

Kitchen utensils, mostly.
JJ and a threesome-now where hve i heard that before
Question Author
sorry bout that everyone......
bj ... don't be naughty.

That was ... a while ago.

And we were p!ssed.

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change of heart...or should i say horse....

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