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please will all fellow answerbankers pray for nice weather

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zzxxee | 15:55 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
for bristol tommorow as im doing a boot sale


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lol, just answered your weekend thread zzxxee, but can answerbankers also pray for a nice sunny day for our Race for Life event in Glasgow xx
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hasi here hopeing you have fab weather
tried taking the mother-in-law to one of those.......apparently she was too old......
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you got it wrong its a car boot sale craft not an
No doubt the AB Eds. are already speaking to the weather pixies......Money no
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the weather pixies now why didnt i think of asking them razzle lol
For z and haysi, heres hoping for excellent weather for you both x
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thankyou sachs xxxxx
Hi sachs, thanks for that, but we are packing cagoules with our tutus just in case lol
You just never know! Pack the sun glasses too, positivity! x
Thought you were banned Haysi -sorry dont mean to go on a tangent on someone elses thread but during the week someone-a greenie- purporting to be you- Hays1- said i had you banned - hmm??

Anyway - hope we get good weather -(chance nil) but who knows for all your causes !!
wasnt me Dris, I'm still here, and why would you have me banned? seems someones playing silly beggars.
Did you see the thread?

TBH -I didnt think it was you as you are usually composed even if you are insulting -this person was manic and accused me of all sorts -pertinent to you ages ago but i really didnt think it was you and thats the truth -just hope others didnt believe the crap.

Scroll back a good few pages to about wednesday -to a thread 'Hello' by VClareV -you'll get the drift.
Worrying thing was that only cazz stuck up for me - bless her !!
I can assure you that it wasnt me. If I;ve got anything to say to anyone itd be under this name, and I know that goes for yourself too.

Dont have time to look for it the now but will have a gander at some point. Some people have way too much time on their hands if they are cloning me *rolls eyes*.
Well I didnt think it was your style -just as well you didnt read what your alter ego said about me -even you would be annoyed - think you get the gist tho of the context.

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please will all fellow answerbankers pray for nice weather

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