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zzxxee | 15:53 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
was a catch phrase by the crankies have i spelt it right and what are they up to these daYS?


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I think they still do panto.....
fan dabby dozy.Have I spelt that right?
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ok thats cleared that up
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i dont know how its spelt is there a crankie fan in the house?
not that will own up.........although I think nokno may be a secret admirer...
OHH silly me,you already have it in your headng. How did I miss that?
craft,NoK is jimmy cranky
i saw them in panto recently, panto was erm pants, but they were hilarious!
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fandabi dozzy?
lol yep fandabidozi!
I wish you hadn't said that noway......everytime he posts now I'll get this awful picture.....

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