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lets all cuddle roaldo

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zzxxee | 16:59 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
hes being a bit of a meany today he needs a big group hug


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We all have off days and a big huge ((((((((snuggle))))))))) is the only thing that works xxx
Question Author
ive extended the olive branch but hes not accepting what is a girl to do?
I'll join in but can I be last in the queue please...
-- answer removed --
-- answer removed --
Oh good! The world is a much nicer place now.
sgsccjx; c[poaednzxm`nhsdof
czmckcvlclv xcv'szdvxc `b
Question Author
go on roaldo type something random in your dying to do it i can tell
bye for now xx
sk ii3jhbn 3j jehnncncn

and I meant every word xxx
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lets all cuddle roaldo

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