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someone else unpacking for you...

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joko | 15:03 Sun 07th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
this is hypothetical...but just wondered...would you be happy if you went to stay somewhere an you discovered that the owner of the house had unpacked your cases for you??



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No - I would hate the idea of someone doing that
Don't let them pack for you when you're about to leave though. You may get caught with a bag of baby powder.
butlers job!
its normal for nosey bostards to do that.

your undies will have been sniffed too.

enjoy your stay : o )
No I don't think I would be very happy if that happened to me! lol
Only way I could see that I would be happy about it is if I was staying there because I was recouperating and wasn't able to unpack the bags myself.
Absolutely not! I don't want them seeing a women's bikini set and appendage stretcher packed in my suitcase. That would be embarrassing.
Have heard this happens when you are entertained by the Royal Family. Somehow dont think I am ever going to get the chance to object!
no, i prefer to do my own unpacking thanking ye very much.
No not at all.
No not at all , as long as they didn't open the bottle of gin in the case.

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someone else unpacking for you...

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