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my day has consisted of.....

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stokemaveric | 17:53 Sun 07th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
sitting in the lounge all morning...having lunch...sitting in the conservatory watching the tv and the rain all afternoon.....GOD IM BORED.....


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this weather doesn't help does it stoke,,, the Great British Summer (not)

joy x
Whereas my day consisted of a gentle stroll and a looka t lots of lovely bikes and a burger and an ice cream. The weather is good here today and tonight an open air concert to see the red hot chilli PIPERS ( not peppers ) They are brill.
i backed the Derby winner.
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no joy it doesnt...x glad you had a good day naiomi....and well done no.know mine was bl**dy
Hi Stokey and all peeps

Things will get better tonight, hopefully, wont be so bored!

Well done, a bit?

Red hoy chilli pipers, eh........sounds ok so enjoy, Naomicorlett

Hi lovely wee canny geordie lass!.....yeah weather down here on the south coast is a mixed bag today.....just got back from Chichester for day........saw Terminator Salvation with the rugrats and boo boo.....not youngest though as was at a friends all afternnoon birthday party in Ditchling.....what a movie....really good!
Now feeding the ruggers and we are about to order either a chinese or indian.....can't decide have been away abroad and missed it a lot from our locals!!

Be back later........the bear! xxxx ( for the girls, of course!)
Red hoy!!! what a dippy!....sorry Red hot chilli pipers!!


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my day has consisted of.....

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