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flatulance Q - sorry!

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ems27 | 14:00 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | Body & Soul
5 Answers boyf and I live togther, we eat breakfast together, I cook in the evenings or if there is any food prep I do it. the only time we don't really share a meal is at lunch times but It's always a salad/sandwich for both of us
why do his farts smell of pure methane? seriously they stink. like someone has died. even he even admits that his smells are v severe


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only reason I can think of is

practice ...

he'll be a legend at work - and is still probably fondly remembered down at the local.
eh jack lad - do you remember when he cleared the whole snug on just two peanuts and a pork scratching? ... aye! ... even 't jack russell were sick.

however mortified you are ... and he appears to be ... he's proudly chuckling inside

just wait 'till he starts filling the biscuit barrel when the parents come round

it's a sort of aliens vs predator thing ...
agreed Troll it is a very male thing.....a female friend went to work in an all male office and the men used to have farting competitions......until she took a hammer in and threatened stopped
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Lol - a very good scientific explanation Eddie - but everyone knows what ems means.
It DOES seem to be a male thing, although one of my sisters could give anyone a run for their money!

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flatulance Q - sorry!

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