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low fat and low sugar foods

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Baby02 | 18:52 Fri 05th Jun 2009 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
my hubby has been told by his doctor to eat low fat and low sugar food but we are at a loss at where to start, my hubby isn't a fussy eater and loves pasta fish chicken etc i just need to know what are the best foods for him tia


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My wife, who's a cardiology professor at my university, believes that the doctor was probably suggesting a low fat, low carbohydrate diet.

You need to go back to the GP's surgery and ask for an appointment to see a dietician. Dieticians are attached to most surgeries nowadays and you should be able to make an appointment if you explain to the receptionist what the doctor said to your husband. At the appointment, tell the dietician what the doctor said to your husband.

Alternatively, the surgery may be able to send you suggested meal plans etc devised by hospital dieticians that will meet your husbands requirements.
As for sugar, I detest the taste of artificial sweeteners - except for one, Splenda, which is as near to the taste of sugar as I've found.
If your husband takes sugar in his hot drinks you should try replacing it with Agave Nectar (((available in all the big supermarkets))) its amazingly sweet and is a natural product. I use it in place of sugar in lots of things including baking!!!
Eating low fat means eating very little red meat or low fat mince, eating chicken which has been skinned prior to cooking, eating very little cheese or low fat cheese (which I find tastes awful), low fat yoghourts are a good replacement, drinking skimmed milk. Only fry anything in very little oil (olive or candola) and of course chips, bacon, crisps, mayonnaise, salad dressings etc are a bid NO NO!
Replacing meat with fish or eggs or even a complete meal for a vegetarian meal also helps.
As for low sugar, best thing is to avoid all sweet desserts, cakes and biscuits and replace by fruit. Baked apples and baked bananas are really nice but only natural sugar in them. Good luck to your hubby.

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