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men ... stockings ... a turn on ?

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joggerjayne | 10:38 Tue 09th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
So ... a question for the men ...

David Carradine was found dead

... hanging in the closet

... in a ladies' wig

... wearing ... fishnet stockings.

Does that sort of thing turn you on?

Just wondering.

Maybe I'm buying the wrong sort of prezzies for the OH.


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I live by that mantra too.... I live on my own so I can also "you know" when ever I like...

My local Tesco doesn't seem to agree with that philosophy for some reason though!
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I've been thinking whether or not to throw this in ... but what the heck.

I flew from Gatwick a couple of weeks ago. I was flying "hand luggage only" so I had everything in my hand luggage. I had my bag frisked at security control (the x-ray bit), and I had a couple of "toys" with me. I guess it gave them something to smile about.
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Chuck ... Do Tesco get annoyed if you are having a DIY while their delivery drivers are trying to drop off your internet shopping?
andy......."private pleasures".....shoelaces around your ?genitals............oooooooooooh!

BTW did you get that job that you were after
JJ - Purple Ronnie was once discovered at Luton airport. I went as purple in the face as he is in the...errr....ridges.

Sqad - I knew he would show up. I saw the word stockings, & I knew it wouldn't be long before he popped up.
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How did tying shoelaces around genitals come to remind sqad about andy's new job ?
Yep.....where ever's there's stockings......there's sqad!!

I went through a phase of preferring lacy hold-up stockings. The only way the damned things would hold up was by having them a size too small. Darn near cut of my circulation - my upper thighs went purple & mottled. Not a good look.
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LOL at "Purple Ronnie"
-- answer removed --
he certainly tickes me :-)
tickles, rather....
Morning Campers

This sounds very much like the same death of Michael Hutchence - found hanging behind a hotel room door, tied up and naked.

What a sad life.

** I also knew Sqad would turn up if stockings are mentioned........great minds think alike !!
Poor guy, whatever his strange preferences were, he's dead, and I wouldn't think he thought that would happen. And i'm sure Michael Hutchence didn't think it would happen to him either. What I don't understand is how these people fail to understand just what a dangerous game they play. Carradine's young son and the family are devastated, angry, and embarrassed, and as for the photo, with the face blanked out it could be anyone. Probably not even Carradine, but produced by someone to make money from the newspaper. Now half the world is picking over the bones of a dead man. Sick.

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men ... stockings ... a turn on ?

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