If it is a man with mental health issues, I would imagine he has come off his medication. Is it New York City that has been given the power to enforce the taking of anti psychotic drugs or am I imagining that? I thought I'd seen it on one of the Law and Order franchises.
Oh Julnar , please don't apologise , not necessary . I just postd my thread here too so you and others in news section could see it as well as your posts x
Its not so long ago when these mental misfits were in secure locations having medication. For whatever reason Thatcher released them onto the streets to commit murder and closed all the institutions. Whether it was to save money or provide freedom for the individual no one has mentioned. Now many of them are locked up in prisons but those are the ones that have committed an offence and not the dearranged individuals now walking the streets. Only after they have committed these hienous events are they finally given treatment. Too late!
rov1200, while I don't think it was right to lock people up indefinitely for mental health issues, I understand your point about them receiving the necessary medication for their condition in institutions. Unfortunately, mental health does remain a kind of hidden problem in our society and our ministers should tackle the issue more openly and thoroughly for the benefit of the ill and also the wider society in general.
It wasn't just the money saved by releasing them into the community, if my memory serves me well it was also the millions that they made from selling the real estate.