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DEN53 | 13:34 Tue 09th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
for the mechanic to turn up to fix my car - apparently its some bakerlite plate that covers the hoses in the engine that is cracked - costing �80.00 !!

I so miss my car - I have walked down to the cash machine at Tesco this morning to get the money out for the car - its about a 20 minute walk there and back - god I need to get fit - I was worn out by the time I got home.
Plus it was pouring with rain.

I am just sitting reading the Daily Mail - the poor girl who was stabbed on Sunday in Grimsby - the bloke was an ex mental patient (another care in the community gone wrong !!). Apparently when he was caught, and asked why did he do it, he just shrugged his shoulders - I wonder if he would still be shrugging his shoulders on the end of a noose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an utter waste of a young life for that girl and her yet to be born baby.


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I know.....I'm kneading and watching......
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don't mention stockings - as Sqad will be here like a dog on heat !!!!!!!!
Den, had an email from Bea, she asks after you and hopes your well, she asks after vibra, salla, slinky , bigmama, mrc and craft too, I said I would pass her regards on Joy x
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Joy - I did go onto the greenfinch site and registered myself, but could'nt get to grips with it - could'nt find Bea anywhere. Are you on there aswell? called?
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have I now been dumped, Vibra ???????????????
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see see, I told you all, Sqaddy would be here like lightening when mentioning stockings, ha ha ha
yes I am, not too sure about the way round it tho' I am back to being Joy11 in there, actually it's a good way of communicating privatley, Bea in def in there as Beatrice35
I most certaily will vibra love
joy x
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Joy - there is more than one site on greenfinch - I registered on the Lonley Threaders one - is that right ?
Joy...for Pete's sake, you make life difficult for yourself, it's like a branch of MI5 with you and Bea.

P.S She didn't mention me.........I wonder why?...LOL
that's probably why sqad lol

Yep DEN that's right
She asked me to respect her privacy sqad, which I have done also to pass regards to people which I have done

so don't bloody start with me,,,rotflllllllll

your sweetes of friends Joy x
me, difficult life,,,no way Jose

joy x
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Joy - I am sorted with that green bird - everything o.k.
(you know what I mean ). I have left you a message.

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