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its that time of year again

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Ankou | 14:54 Fri 12th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
sweltering hot, the women say the aircon is too cold and the management have forbidden opening windows.

is it the same in your office, are the managers buffoons and the women cold blooded ?


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My windows are tinted so that everything looks grey. I work in the city so most things are grey (during the day at least), I'm very cold-blooded, my mangers are buffoons, my team are great and there's a 'sucking the life out of you' machine hidden somewhere that I can't find the 'off' button for but the temperature actually works... Happy days then!
I am always cold!!!

And yes the air con is blowing freezing cold air. It is warmer outside than in this office.
i'm hot, joolz is cold jase is ok and i'm building manager so i can have MY window open if i fooking want
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china ive done a lot of work with the nhs and it certainly does suck the life out of you.

.....a bit like a girl i_
I'm spotting a theme... You really should get talking to Vibra and Squad, I imagine you'd get on quite well.
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i was wondering about you really.

you keep saying suck in your posts. either you are just like all women and obsessed with the hoover (!!!) or obsessed with something else.

sqad and vibra sound delightful, but three's a crowd.

which reminds of two girls i knew in_...
I find a lof of things that don't suck just blow big time.
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well 3 sucks and a blow. sounds like a perfect afternoon to me.

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its that time of year again

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