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kitten update.....part 2......

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stokemaveric | 09:41 Sat 13th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
3 kittens delivered.....mum and babies all doing well......


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Haha, it's like you read my mind!

Three! awww, glad to hear all's well :)
any appropriately named nags out today-stokie
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how uncanny is that lore??? great minds think alike eh? tips will be appearing on here very shortly beejay..
3 little kitties , how wonderful stoke :-D
Hi Lore xx how you doing sweetie? And hello bigmamma, so nice to see you, hope your'e well. xx

Aww stokemaverick, 3 wee kittey kats, thats cute.
great news i can go and get a paper and have some brekkie

::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Good morning Stoke. Overslept this morning, I wonder why. It was all the excitement of waiting up for the new arrivals late last night. How lovely mum and kittens all doing fine. You said there was an all white kitten, so when you get a minute, can you say what colour the other two are, and if they're boys or girls. What an eventful night for you. Did you manage to have a stiff drink to recover, or to celebrate? Now comes the best part, and you can just enjoy the new additions to the family, but watch out for the curtains when they get on their feet. Good luck and best wishes to you and Mrs Stoke. Schutz.
waves to haysi
Hello honey :-) xxx
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hi schutz 1 white and 2 what look like will be tortoiseshell...thank you for you lovely thoughts
Hi Stoke, that's interesting. If the 2 are tortoiseshells, they should be female. I've heard that if any one finds a tortie male it would be worth a fortune, so that tortie's could be bred true to colour. How true this is I have no idea, but I have never seen or heard of a tortoishell tom cat. I wonder if anyone has? Thanks for the reply. Schutz.

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