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im just having a nice....

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stokemaveric | 15:32 Sat 13th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
glass of lager....and watching the racing.............


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Sounds like you've got it made there, Stoke ! ;-0
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lol no mercy and my first hose [which i tipped on here earlier]...has just won at 3-1 as well.......
Well I'm watching the racing but not drinking yet. Too much last night celebrating the birth of your kittens!
Drinks all round then, Stoke !!

Hi Jan - has your leg stopped itching now? x
Hi NoMercy. Yes thanks. Got hubby to rub plenty of moisturiser on it.
I'm too drunk to even see the tv screen stokey
But not too drunk to type? lol
I'm having a Stella....just the one for the time being. Got a poorly man upstairs so have to keep fetching things :-(

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im just having a nice....

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