Parish registers started in 1537 when Henry the V111 decided he wanted a better system thatn anywhere else in the civilsed world, if your ancestors lived in a village that already had a parish church then their family events from that date would have been recorded, in Latin but easy enough to decipher. In 1598 his daughter Elizabeth overhauled the system and made it ten times better.
manoral courts were the authority that controlled land and inheritance as well as justice and law, these date from the centuries before Henry decided to create parish records, if your familt were part of a Manor, and most places were, you can look at the extant manoral court rolls etc, mainly now at the PRO but there are some in local CROs.
There are many pedigrees that have been handed down and published through Burkes etc over the years, the college of arms has proven lineage for most gentry families and above. The published volumes over the years are available in Reference Libraries.
If circumstances in your family put them in the right place at the right time you can trace your direct line back as far as records go as above, however, the only real line you can truly trust is the distaff side, (female) as the fathers could have been anybody in some cases. Proven B@stardly bonds do however have some validation in research.