i am can only be described as a re tread, i have been absent for quite a while,not all the blame is mine, however i am big enough to admit i could be quite argumentative with certain people, i have dropped in to see if things have changed and to see if i could fit in with everyone without arguing, i promise not to deliberatly argue with anyone and will ignore taunghts from my previous tormentors, even if they have morfed into new personalitys. excuse my spelling .
hi mrs.chappie, yes i have got back problems but i am managing them with exersise and medication. things are not helped by by me putting on another stone in weight after giving up cigarettes for the past ten months, i am told that i will lose it again when i get used to no fags so here is hoping, i am officialy a tad on the fat side now at 19 stones.
Hey jacko, that's great, no fags for ten months. Well done.
I am also a tad overweight (ahem) at 12 stones, I am only five foot tall. Got a right shock when the dietician told me my weight. I've been quite good all week, eating healthy foods, then last night I weakened - went out for fish and chips.