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is ethel...

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gina32 | 16:01 Sun 14th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers


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No, I'm Pigletion. Who is Ethel?

It is a made up name. I was studying in my Physics degree, drew Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, then made him charged, so he became a Piglet ion. Some of the lectures were very dull!

Now pronounced Pig-lee-shun.
you must be proper clever pigletion, take the above suggestion from gina as a compliment. i amn Ethel but noone ever considers that .
no....i an ethel.
no I am
You can easily tell by my expert typing...LOL
I is can tell by my IQ
Question Author
it wasnt meant as acompliment, just noticed how alike the answers are they both give and havet seen ethel on here for a while
Don't worry, I wasn't offended, just intrigued

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is ethel...

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