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Car broke down

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cocopops | 11:25 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | Motoring
3 Answers
Hi all

Yesterday morning while driving to work my engine light came on and there was smoke coming out via the bonnet, the car was also making a cluttering sound until it eventually broke down.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?


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Pretty hard to diagnose from that.

Is it smoke or steam? Is there coolant in it? is the temperature guage in the red?

If you've lost coolant via a broken pipe or waterpump it could be that.

Is there oil in it?

In either case you could have a blown head gasket and possibly a warped cylder head.

These are just guesses though - I think you'll have to have someone look at it to make a proper diagnosis.

It's not a good idea to drive a car that's got engine warning lights on unless you know exactly what the problem is - these things don't tend to fix themselves.
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Hi all

Its a Vauxhall Corsa car. It has been towed to a garage and Im on my way this afternnon to hear the diagnosis.

Just wanted to get some ideas on what it may be before I go..Thanks for your help.

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Car broke down

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