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Muller advert music

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ok_computer | 20:32 Sat 14th May 2005 | Adverts
5 Answers

what is the name of the song that is behind the muller advert?
Its the one with all the people in different scenarios dancing in a pretty groovy fashion and the lyrics are something like "got my arms got my legs got my smile" etcetc.




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Aint Got No - I Got Life by Nina Simone.   Couple of other posters have asked this earlier.


 Ive been wondering the same myself, is that Nina Simone`s version in the ad, cos i thought it was a man singing.


Hate to sound prissy but just to ley you know,  this q has been asked millions of times, and when you post your question, previous similar questions come up before it gets posted.  It then allows you to look through similar questions and get the answer without starting a new thread
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So sorry to cause inconvenience, I didn't know if it was the same one. Which now i know it is...which answers your question Kaz, it is Nina Simone, and its a great song. 
At long last, the track from our TV ad, "Ain't Got No - I Got Life" by Nina Simone, has been released by SonyBMG on the new compilation album 'We Love Life'.

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Muller advert music

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