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Psst ... I know where the missing nut is.

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mrs.chappie | 21:15 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
The Ed is using it as a paperweight.

And knobbs, if ya post that pic on here again, he'll have your other one too.

Upset him at your peril.



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It`s very intriguing, Mrs C, getting in at the end of a thread.

Trust all is well with you.

I owe you one photo.

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Hey Tina, nice to 'see' you lass! I am still looking forward to seeing the pic!

Hope Richard is well. xxx
He`s where he often is these days, in bed, God bless him. He`s very wonky on his feet but he`ll be down later to have a nightly chess game. As long as he can get through one of those I`m happy. Day to day stuff.
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Hey Tina, sorry to read that. Do you mind if I ask what his illness is? Don't answer if you don't want to say on here. xxx

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Psst ... I know where the missing nut is.

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