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Ssmall dock for iPod touch 3rd gen

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Compostella | 21:21 Tue 16th Jun 2009 | Technology
2 Answers

Anyone know a good little dock for an iPod 3rd generation that charges. Apparantly Aplpe have changed one of the pin configerations so that a lot of the current docks are not compatible.

Needs to be small so that we can get it in a suitcase.

Thanks in advance


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We had the same problem in that the new Nano wouldn't charge in the docking station purchased with the old Nano.
Curry's have a fair selection reasonably priced. Incidentally the new Nano will not charge on my JVC car set which claims to be " Built for Ipod " . Make sure therefore that whatever you buy is compatible with your new Ipod.
If you can't find anything in shops, I'd take a look on eBay. Some of the 3G iPods came with an Apple dock, custom made for it. I'm sure you can get one cheap, they're new or as-new.

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