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john1066 | 19:33 Fri 19th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
After the Iranian clerics comment about Britain being their worst enemy do you think that Britons living in Iran have anything to worry about and Iranians living in Britain should keep looking over their shoulders, or do you think that us Brits are more civillized?


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i think Poodi better watch her back.
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the Iranians have targeted her.
-- answer removed --
What just for having a poo at Pauls?
Would any british cleric dare say that about Iran?without getting shot.
To answer the question - no, I don't think either group has anything to worry about in this case. The Ayatolla was very careful to blame the British Government and was hoping to deflect some or all of the antagonism that the ordinary Iranians were feeling, from their own government towards the infidels in the west. I doubt in this instance it will work, the Iranians are far better educated these days and a lot more savvy.

The irony is that in all probability Ahmenadinejad has actually won the election fair and square but with a much reduced majority which might have weakened his position, the powers that be decided that he must have an appearance of being the popular choice so they rigged it for him. What goes round comes round.

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