NoMercy - none taken, If I was anymore chilled I'd be frozen! I'm in tune with your craic, so don't worry gal! Your alright!!! Hi iknowtudid! how's U doing dude? Good to hear ya, hope NoMercy don't mind us taken up her tread!! Does NoMercy ever sleep?? Yep, still warm in the land of the Green tonight, but were is the SUN??
I've barely had any sleep in this last week. I've been burning the candle at both ends, which is my own fault really. What have I missed since I last posted?
Legendisgod, sorry, just came round there, got to - maybe 200 - passed out! Woke up with himself pouring a Brandy down me gub - He said I was out for the count - I asked. "How long for" Sez He, "Well yon 1 Legendisgod recokoned - 'From 500' - " Sez I, " You stupid *****, ya weren't to start counting again at NO. 1"! Jeez, what can I say?? LOL!! Ah well, sure He's good at somethings? What I don't know, but his Mammy said so!!