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so whao wants andy murray to win wimbledon????

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stokemaveric | 23:42 Sun 21st Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
i dont....murray has already said he hates the why should we want a jock to win wimbledon??


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You had to go back to 1977 to find something? Now, that's scraping the barrel.

I'm not going to get drawn into a slanging match but would it be fair to say that England fans have been involved in numerous riots, not good natured stupidity as you've used to try to tarnish the Scots fans with?
have i rattled you stinkerboy, why dont you go away then more people will be happy, i am sure your remarks will show the decent folks on here what an unstable moron you really are, i have not insulted anyone tonight, you are getting very unstable, dropping napalm at a football game, i think a doctor is needed very soon in your hovel,
still using the same name ive had for well since klast october

youve had 2 at least banned

plus the ones you use to abuse

im sure youre 4 foot 6 a right wee tube who likes to bully kids and women

its perfect on here for you hiding

you are the scum of answerbank and are well known as vermin and disgusting poster of filth.

mwba you came close mate but no cigar

was a good bit of banter except for this paedo filth abuse poster

got to say if hes on your side youre at a major disadvantage

school bulliy who goes to stoke mnatches for some aggro


wekll folks ill retire for the nite safe in the knowledge that saint marvel probably needs viagra to get a stiffy and is living in a bedsit in stoke.

all the best folks.

nytol legend.
Just going back to the original subject, Andy Murray, which seems to have been put to the side, here are a few more interesting facts about him:

He lives in London.

He supports one Scottish team, Hibs, and one English team, Wolves, and is seen quite often wearing the Wolves shirt given to him by Britain's Davis Cup captain, John Lloyd, himself a Wolves fan.
I'm not denying that England fans have been involved in a few "incidents" over the years paraffin,but the fact remains that Scottish people hate us and are therefore racist.
Thats a fact.
Every Rangers v Celtic game passes off peacefully and the Scots are rooting for Jensen Button to win the Formula One World title as much as Andy Murray to win Wimbledon.

We are a united Kingdom divided by a common hatred.
Good night :-)
well goodnight sweatstinkboy, i think everyone will now know just how sick your mind is, try to sleep as you have a hard day posting abuse, sh!t, and threats tomorrow, where were your lady ar$e lickers tonight. ha ha ha ha ha .
Oh and Andy Murray wearing a Wolves shirt just about sealed it! :-(
Now those Wolverhampton b@stards!

I don't accept that. "Hatred" is a very extreme word to use.

Banter is one thing where people can chuck a few good natured insults around, then have a good laugh and a few drinks about it afterwards.

But hatred means having nil respect for individuals, their race, their creed, colour, religion or culture. It takes a very sad and misguided individual to hate someone of their own nationality, for I thought we were all British despite the individual countries we hail from? Maybe I'm wrong again!
Murray has said this remark was taken out of context and I believe him.

I love tennis and will be glued to the tv/iplayer!

I really hope Murray does well as he has come along way.
-- answer removed --
Freuchie in Fife won the Village Cricket Cup at Lord's in 1985

Well done - was it really that long ago? Wow, doesn't time fly!

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