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NASA programme on BBC2

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joggerjayne | 22:04 Wed 24th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Oh, god ... they're not trotting out those dodgy "Moon landing" clips again?

I hope NASA have done a better job of touching them up now.


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a disbeliever then JJ?
Question Author
Yep. Total fabrication.

I'd love it to be true ... but it's not.
where is this 'moon rock from then?'
I'm sorry but I wayched it all happen in front of my eyes from a caravan site TV room in Bouth and it definately happened. It was the start of the July holidays and Blue Peter had been following the whole thing on a Monday and Thursday before the schools broke up. valerie would never lie
Hmmm Yes jogerjayne I have always thought that as well and just how did they get the camera on the moon showing mans first footsteps on there?????????????????
if it is all fake, how have they kept everybody that was involved, quiet,?
a lot of money here for some-one who is willing to spill the beans.
the ruskies would be screaming fake at every opportunity surely?
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The Japanese believe that they will be able to carry out a manned mission to the Moon by 2030.

Cripes ...

That leaves Japanese technology ... erm ... trailing 61 years behind America.

Well, those Japs never were any good with computers or machines.
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What are the Japanes so worried about?

All you need is a computer with the brain of a pocket calculator, and 3 men in a tin foil landing craft.

It's easy.

And ... fake.

so the rocket was shot off into space unmanned then JJ?

the japanese are not stupid at all, they have waited to develop the technology to actually sustain life on the moon for longer than a few days, and by 2030 they will be able to do that for more than just astronauts and richard branson (ps he played the guitar on baker St you know)
And the proof it was a a hoas is what exactly
just to clarify, the technology to send a manned space flight to land on the moon was developed then, what they didn't have is the ability to acrually make any more of it, but it was an exploration mission, much like Columbus exxcept NASA knew the Moon was there! The knowledge aquired during the space programme has helped mankinf leap forward generations in scientific advanvement, (don't ask me for examples it's too early for a full seminar!) The Japanese would not be at the stage they are without the previous exploration and sharing of information.
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NASA programme on BBC2

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