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good afternoon i hope

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zzxxee | 14:45 Thu 25th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
you are all fine and dandy today


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Certainly am. How are you today zzxxee?
hi zzxxee..............I'm fine thank you.....watching tennis off and on but NOT having any more Pimms (well not this week)......
Question Author
im good thanks a. view
havent seen any tennis craft not really my thing x
hey zzxxee, I'm home today and for the fore-seeable. had an op on my eye yesterday and am "recovering" :o)
Question Author
ouch sara3 nothing to serious i hope x
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hmmm.. medium sized!

my sight is fine but I have a black eye, stitches and swelling.. all very atractive!

I've come to see what the the daytime clientele is like on here...
Question Author
get well soon sara
whats your exam vibra ????
hmm pants morning i'm hoping the afternoon might get better
Question Author
cheer up mcfluff xx
I am dead bored stuck in a hot sweaty little office, someone is having a grievance going on in the larger office and I am watching the alcoholics outside my window play with their staffy, (wonder what happened to their Rotweiller?) and thinking how happy they look and how damn fed up I feel.
Hi zzxxee ♥

Fine and funky thanks.....hope you are too!... as the ☼ is blaring down and is lovely and warm here on the south coast!

love the bear xx
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oh i'm alright it was just one of those mornings we're having staff presenations today and firstly the md forgot the meeting started at 9, then the projector broke and well it just went downhill from there!
Question Author
hi yogi
we all have one of those days mcfluff never mind its friday tommorow
Question Author
dont sound like you have much work on eyeshade lol
Hi zzxxee, I am good!

Ploughing my way through work and sneaking a look at the tennis!!!!

I am watching (or trying to) Del Potro, a hunky ugly player!!!!
Question Author
oh ugly people spotting thats one of my fav pastimes funny girl
before anyone says anything im not shallow i just laugh very loudly inside

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good afternoon i hope

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